Shareware Overload Trio 2
Shareware Overload Trio Volume 2 (Chestnut CD-ROM).ISO
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Apply-Diz by Dataware Software
Version 2.7
Copyright (C) 1992-93
Tom Carroll
All rights reserved
The Data Shop BBS
(509)582-9493 (HST/DS 16.8)
Kennewick, WA
FIDO address (1:347/110)
Apply-Diz is a utility designed to ease the burden of sysops trying to
describe files, that either had their descriptions lost in the process of
a file transfer, or they are old enough that you just can't remember. It
places the burden of describing files back onto the users and authors that
upload files without a description file such as FILE_ID.DIZ or DESC.SDI in
which Apply-Diz will make a FILE_ID.DIZ from the user supplied description
and compress it into the archive. Apply-Diz can automatically detect
archives by signature, and extract or compress into the archive based on
this signature, no more relying on file suffixes.
Apply-Diz has two purposes, one is to enhance the service that some of the
larger BBS's offer by insuring no matter what kind of file or archive
received on their system, either uploaded by users, downloaded from another
BBS, or copied to the system from monthly mailings, Apply-Diz will make
sure that two descriptions exist for the archive, one in the PCBoard(tm)
directory format, and the other in a FILE_ID.DIZ. (one of the two has to
exist, but neither one is overwritten if they both exist.) This is a very
appealing feature that other sysops will appreciate if they subscribe to
your BBS and download your files for use on their systems.
Two is the major reason Apply-Diz was invented. I run a BBS, and I really
don't have all the time in the world to mess around with file descriptions,
and since I'm a programmer I tend to hold on to old archives, and then
forget what they are. So I decided to cut half my workload and just write
a utility. (hmmm... what am I saying?)
You're probably asking your self "What is this guy babbling about?" Well,
it's time to cut to the chase and show you how to operate it...
This software is provided as is without warranty or guarantee either
expressed or implied. The author will not be held responsible for ANY
damages that may result in the use of this program, including revenues
lost. The Author will, however, be responsible for a full refund of the
purchasers registration cost should the software not be capable of
operating on the purchasers computer.
Apply-Diz software and this document are Copyright (C) 1992 by Tom Carroll.
All rights reserved.
This program is released as SHAREWARE.
Apply-Diz v2.7 Page 2
You are free to use this version of the program for a period of 30 days,
upon which, you must either register the software, or delete it from your
system with the exception of the original archive, which may be freely
distributed as outlined below. Please refer to the ORDER.FRM included in
the distribution archive for registration information.
No one may alter, modify, or reverse engineer Apply-Diz for any reason,
including but not limited to decompiling-compiling, patching, or
You may freely distribute & copy this program for others subject to the
above restrictions and the following:
■ Apply-Diz is copied in unmodified form including this file.
■ There is no charge for copying except for the cost of disks.
■ Apply-Diz is not included in another software package without
the express written permission of Tom Carroll
You may operate Apply-Diz on one computer system at a time, one computer
system is defined as a single XT/AT/PC which operates solely by itself, or
multi-node BBS running the same BBS software and all nodes are connected
to a central file server.
Should Apply-Diz need to be operated on more that one computer system, a
site license will be negotiated.
If you should find any problems with this program, or you have any requests
or recommendations, you may reach me on my BBS, or at the FIDO address
listed on the front cover. I may also be reached in the FIDO PCBNET,
SaltAir, UN'I, ILink, Global-Net, or Source-Net sysop conferences.
Files included in this archive:
APP-DIZ.DOC - This manual
APP-DIZ.ERR - Sample error file
APP-DIZ.EXE - The Apply-Diz executable
APP-DIZ.HIS - Apply-Diz History information file
APP-DIZ.LOG - Sample log file
APP-DIZ.XLD - Sample exclude file
FILE_ID.DIZ - Description file for Apply-Diz
ORDER.FRM - Registration form & ordering info
PROGRAMS.DWS - Other programs by Dataware Software
I originally compressed this program as APDZnn.ARJ, but it may be
compressed with any other archive program you wish to use.
The latest version will always be available on my BBS using the magic
filename of APPDIZ.
Apply-Diz v2.7 Page 3
Sometimes, there may be a need for debug code to be released. This code is
used to track down specific problems which aren't normally encountered on
my system. I have a 386/sx-25 w/4megs of RAM, and DOS 5.0, which should be
pretty standard and generic, but sometimes this doesn't present an
optimal testing environment, so please, if you're having problems, and
debug code is available, feel free to FREQ APDEBUG from me, or if you're
registered on my BBS call and download APPDIZ.ARJ from conference #1.
If APPDIZ.ARJ isn't available, then you're the first person that has
found a problem, so please leave me your specifics so I may be able to
trouble shoot the problem(s).
Apply-Diz is fully command line driven.
The syntax for calling it is as follows:
<ARCHIVE> = Full path and filename(s) of the archive to be processed.
<PCBDIRLIST> = Full PCBoard file directory listing to be processed.
{ Optional switches }
/CD = Process files in CD-ROM mode. (Does not add FILE_ID.DIZ)
/CF* = only checks for a FILE_ID.DIZ within the archive.
/CP* = only checks for a description in the PCB DIR file.
/INFO = Will add an archive information line to the PCBoard(tm) DIR list.
(i.e. Files: nn Newest: mm-dd-yy Oldest: mm-dd-yy)
/IO = Info line only. (i.e. Files: nn Newest: mm-dd-yy Oldest: mm-dd-yy)
/NL = Turns of the logging feature. This is a good idea if you're going
to process a directory with many files. It is on by default.
/RF = Will overwrite the FILE_ID.DIZ file in the archive or create it if
it doesn't already exist.
/RP = Will overwrite the PCBoard(tm) description with the FILE_ID.DIZ, or
DESC.SDI file within the archive.
/WK = Allows Apply-Diz to use a work drive. The drive must be specified
as DRIVE:. (i.e. /WKD: )
/FMT = Lets you define how you want the info-line formatted. This is a
new addition in version 2.7. The use of this line is fairly simple
in that you only have to specify the following information to make
it work:
/FMT:'</>@f<n> @o<n> @n<n>'
Apply-Diz v2.7 Page 4
Now for an explaination of the /FMT switch. In the use of this
command line switch, it must be followed by a colon ":" and a
single quote "'". The next item (which must be the first character
after the single quote) is an optional forward slash "/" which
tells Apply-Diz to change the dashes "-" in the date format
04-24-93 to 04/24/93.
The following macros tell Apply-Diz where to place the actual
words for the info line:
@f - The "Files:" word
@o - The "Oldest:" word
@n - The "Newest:" word
When placing the macro's on the line, be aware that any spaces
placed between them will be included in the info-line (see note
below for overflow info). For example:
/FMT:'/@f @o @n'
will produce: Files: nn Oldest: mm/dd/yy Newest: mm/dd/yy
which places 2 spaces between the nn and Oldest: and the yy and
The final option is the <n> after each macro. This tells Apply-Diz
how many spaces to place after the colon ":" for that macro. For
/FMT:'@f2 @o2 @n2'
will produce: Files: nn Oldest: mm-dd-yy Newest: mm-dd-yy
which places 2 spaces between the colon and the value.
(note: If the info-line should exceed 45 characters in length,
then all double spaced characters " " will be reduced to a
single space until the line is 45 characters long)
* - The /Cx switch is only used for speed. If a file is found to not have
either description Apply-Diz will default to normal mode for that file.
+Wild cards "*" may be specified on the command line for the archive file
name. (i.e. C:\UPLOAD\*.ARJ or C:\UPLOAD\*.* is valid)
You may at anytime during the processing of files press the <esc> key to
abort the process. This really only has it's advantage in batch mode
operation since it will continue to process the present file it is working
on to ensure all open files are properly closed.
At anytime, you may just type APP-DIZ without any command line arguments
and a help screen similar to this one will appear.
You must specify the complete path for the archive name and the PCBoard
file directory listing.
Apply-Diz v2.7 Page 5
+In the registered version of App-Diz you may specify wild cards on the
command line for the processing of all files in one directory. (This is
refered to as Batch mode)
If you are using an unregistered evaluation copy, insure you have command
line arguments correct if you run this utility in your nightly event
because there is a pause that requires input from the keyboard if they
are incorrect.
Any description lines in the PCBoard directory that you do not wish to
be included in the FILE_ID.DIZ may be excluded by adding the unique
beginning string for that line in the exclude file. See the sample
APP-DIZ.XLD for more details. This file must be named APP-DIZ.XLD and
located within the same directory as the executable.
Apply-Diz will make a log file, or append to an existing one while
processing files. Please refer to the enclosed sample log file. Apply-Diz
will report each action/non-action taken on a particular file, and why it
didn't take any action if that is the case. This file is not controlled
for size, so make sure you keep an eye on it, or it could grow very large
in a short amount of time.
If an error should occur while processing the files, Apply-Diz will make a
report to an APP-DIZ.ERR file which will be located in the same directory
as the executable. This too is appended for later viewing. Again this
file isn't monitored for size either.
Apply-Diz is incapable of scanning self extracting files at this time. It
will skip all files that have the suffix's of .EXE, .COM, .TXT, .GIF, .PCX,
.SDA, and .TIC. If you have problems with any other files making App-Diz
abort the process, please let me know and I will add code to not allow
those types of files to be scanned.
Apply-Diz is NOT Desqview aware, or capable of working with locked files.
All PCBoard directories should be processed while all nodes are down.
You must have the following archiver's for the defined archive types in
your path so Apply-Diz can manipulate it:
ARC - ARC by System Enhancement Associates, Inc.
ARJ - ARJ by Robert K. Jung
LHA - LHARC by Haruyasu Yoshizaki
PAK - PAK by NoGate Consulting
ZIP - PKZip by PKWare, Inc.
ZOO - ZOO by Rahul Dhesi
Apply-Diz must be executed from the current directory, or located somewhere
in your path statement.
Apply-Diz v2.7 Page 6
If a work drive is not specified Apply-Diz will create a work directory
off the root directory called APP-DIZ. All logs and scratch files will
remain there until processing is completed or aborted. If there is an
error during execution, all attempts are made to remove this directory
and clean all associated files. The files created in the APP-DIZ
This software is fully functional. However, there is a 20 second delay
after each execution. Registration will remove this delay and also
allow the processing of all files within the specified directory known
as batch mode processing.
These are the only limitations to this program.
Apply-Diz v2.7 Page 7